Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

your soul is mine says he

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Sir Wolf:

Sir Brian:
ok legos is getting a little scary!  :o  :D

Sir Edward:

Yeah, people do some really cool stuff with Lego. :)

Sir William:
The Cthulhu mythos...y'know, it took me the better part of a year to work through one of Lovecraft's anthologies...it was a collection of short stories, freaked me out to the point where I'd read one and put it down for a while.  A long while.

Sir Edward:

Lovecraft was an expert at manipulating your imagination. So much of the creepy-factor comes from what he hints at, rather than explaining directly. I'd love to see some movies done on this. Supposedly one just got canceled because the studio wanted the movie to be PG-13, so the director walked.


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