Main > The Round Table
Fun with photoshop
Sir Edward:
BTW, the high-resolution versions of these are in that folder too: (sizes are in the filenames)
The full size pictures are detailed enough to see Brian's eyes inside his helmet, and my sunglasses under mine. :)
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-03-07, 16:13:42 ---
Excellent. How are the weight restrictions on baggage on overseas flights? I hadn't considered flying with armor as a cost-effective alternative. :)
--- End quote ---
My plan is to mail my armor to the place I'm staying at in England a day or two before we leave, and hope that it arrives a day or two after we arrive. I'll have to see the estimated shipping time and plan accordingly. The first couple days will be Buckingham, etc, so I won't need any gear for that - I hope. ;)
Great job on the pictures! I haven't updated since Photoshop 7, and it looks like there's lots of neat new stuff. Once my rivited loose rings from IceFalcon get here, I can finish the rest of my gear and get a decent photo. Really cool!
BTW, the CafePress link is down for me.
Sir Edward:
Yep, I closed the cafepress shop before they started charging me for it. It was a trial premium shop. I can re-create it, of course, but I didn't want to start getting charged for it before I had anything more than a single poster in it.
Sir Edward:
OK, I worked out Sir William's. I decided to try a glowing "paladin" sword blade again. I made it pretty bright this time, but I think it works.
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
They really are cool.
Sir William is standing inside the southern part of the Barbican of my favourite castle, Beaumaris, in front of the "Torre sud-ovest" (South west tower) behind on the left, and the "Porta a Mere" ( gate next the sea) almost directly behind him.
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