Main > The Round Table
Fun with photoshop
Sir James A:
Wow, that's a very nice effect. I'm thinking do that with some digital pictures, print them and frame them.
Sir Wolf:
is that over your fireplace? lol
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-06-03, 11:12:45 ---is that over your fireplace? lol
--- End quote ---
So what if it is? :)
Sir William:
It'd be over mine if that were me in it- that looks fantastic, Sir Ian. That's just a PS effect? Might be worth looking into dabbling in it a bit. That was very cool.
Sir Ulrich:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-06-01, 14:31:10 ---Fooling around with oil paint portrait effects. Not entirely sure if the 'frame' adds or takes away from it.
--- End quote ---
Dude thats cool. Should make a few with the DoK photos and stuff that would look awesome.
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