Main > The Round Table
Fun with photoshop
Hey, to the untrained eye such as mine it still looks pretty good! :)
Sir William:
Looks really we just need a photo shoot w/various poses so Sir Edward can make us into movie stars! lol
Sir Wolf:
ehehe that would be cool.
Sir James A:
That one looks pretty darn good at first couple glances. Other than the lighting, I barely see anything 'out of place'.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-04-03, 20:57:24 ---Those look awesome Sir Ed, thanks! :D
I think BJ got her hands on a green background. I think I'll use it for maille (less reflection of green upon the armour) and black for the plate kits.
--- End quote ---
Oh, one thing I just thought of to try to remember to do-- with a brighter, non-black background, it would be good to make sure there's some illumination on the background itself. That is, if you're using just a camera flash, it'll leave a black shadow all around one side (usually the right side) of the person, which details can also be lost into. There's a whole art to doing "studio lighting".
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