Main > The Round Table
New collage
Sir William:
Yea...didn't they do a Sharkfish or something like that? I thought it was hilarious. A giraffe-squid could haunt the African outback AND you know...the sea. lol
You need some images to photoshop, Sir Edward? I wouldn't mind getting my face up there as well.
LOL @ Arthurian coincidence
Sir Edward:
I think you're thinking of "Sharktopus".. :) I'd have been tempted to try that, but since it had already been done, I wanted to come up with something completely off the wall. :)
Someone recently posted a picture on facebook that had a shark in it, and I thought it looked pretty good... but decided to go with a squid for my first attempt. Here's the shark photo:
Sir Wolf:
holy crap i think ole Alfred Hitchcock would have pooped his pants!
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-03-01, 20:23:11 ---You need some images to photoshop, Sir Edward? I wouldn't mind getting my face up there as well.
--- End quote ---
Forgot to replay to this part-- Sure! If you want to share photos here on the forum or email me a few, I can look into it.
Sir Edward:
OK, I made an updated one, less noisy, and squeezed Sir William in. :)
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