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Iron clad trailer

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Frater de Beaumanoir:
I've watched it, and will reserve my comments for a later date, once many of you have had a chance to see it. Have seen Black Death as well. ;D

Sir Wolf:
haahha love ure new profile pic

Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-08-11, 00:39:12 ---haahha love ure new profile pic

--- End quote ---

Thanks. ;)

Sir Edward:
I finally got around to watching Ironclad. I enjoyed it. It definitely doesn't spare you the brutality of war. But man, some good action there. Marshal's sword was a bit oversized for the period, I think. There were longswords, yes, but I don't think there would have been many 5-footers like that. Not impossible, but certainly uncommon. Theatrically oversized is a good way to put it, I think.

Would the Danes have used woad? That stood out to us as a potential "mistake" as well, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about them to know for sure.

Overall I think it was a good action/siege movie. The back cover compares it to Seven Samurai and Braveheart. I can see why they said that. But part of the charm of Seven Samurai is that the samurai were defending a village against marauders. In this story, they're defending against the king, against the wishes of the owners of the castle. So they're not entirely welcome. And even though they're fighting for a cause they believe in, it's more distant and political. Not defending the helpless, like in Seven Samurai or The Magnificent Seven.

Still, we enjoyed it. And we always enjoy seeing King John get disappointed. :)

Frater de Beaumanoir:
*Review disclaimer* The owner of this post in no way means for the readers not to watch this film and form their own opinions. This is the personal opinion of a simple viewer and not intended to influence the viewing pleasures/preferences of others.

The movie was good for escapist entertainment value, but I found it funny that a "Templar" who was wanting out of the Order because of "mental baggage" he was carrying since the Crusade, would quickly tell everyone that it would be a Templar that saved them. Also, why not at the beginning when he witnessed his fellow Templars being cut down during his rescue operation, did he not go and inform a local preceptory of the activities of King John, leverage the power of a multitude of Red Friars and the Pope? And live pigs for the final event?


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