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Iron clad trailer

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Sir Brian:
I picked up the Ironclad movie and watched it last night and it is an epic WIN! Loved the movie and very impressed with them capturing the brutality of medieval weaponry!  :)

Sir Edward:

Dang it, I'm chomping at the bit to see this one. And Kat and I just haven't had the time yet. So much to do to get the tiny little house working for two people and three cats.

Sir William:
You mean, and find a place for all your beautiful pointies where they will not inadvertently attack milady, no?  LOL

The cats are already good to go I'm thinking...mine happens to love swords.  Never figured out why.

But if you can, watch Ironclad...the battle scenes alone make it worthwhile.

Sir Brian, I will watch Valhalla Rising as I am a Mikkelsen fan...I'll try not to fall asleep during the second half!

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-08-08, 15:10:01 ---
--- Quote from: Ser William on 2011-08-04, 15:30:29 ---... Also got Valhalla Rising...will review that after I've seen it over the weekend.

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... It starts off engagingly enough but then the last third of the movie skews off haphazardly down an artsy-fartsy trail to a land dominated by irrelevant and meaningless abuse of impressionistic type imagery that totally fractures the story line and leaves the viewer sitting there wondering…
--- End quote ---
Nicely stated review, you should do this for a living! ;)

--- Quote from: Ser William ---But if you can, watch Ironclad...the battle scenes alone make it worthwhile.
--- End quote ---
I'll give it a try soon.  I'm so very out of date with my movie watching, every "movie date" involves children 6 and under which limits the field considerably. :(

Sir William:
Lord Rodney, they have to start appreciating all things medieval at some point, why not a rousing, rollicking adventure...not necessarily Ironclad, I think it too grisly for children...but maybe the Princess Bride?  Get them started on liking swords and it is on and popping from then!  ;)


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