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Someone in dire need of Killing:

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Sir Edward:

Wow, yes... eaten alive by rats. I'm not sure which is worse, that or being "drawn and quartered". The latter is a phrase people hear, but don't know what it involves. (In case anyone doesn't know, this is what was done at the end of "Braveheart". It involves stretching on a rack (or by horses) first, dislocating the joints. Then, slowly drawing out the intestine after cutting the genitals off. Only when these are complete is the person actually killed, being cut into quarters to be sent east/west/north/south).

Actually another terrible one is keel-hauling on a ship. They'd throw ropes down one side and back up the other, so the rope goes all the way around underneath the ship, with the person stretched out in the middle of it. Since the underside of the ship would be covered with hard, sharp barnacles, dragging the person down one side, underwater, and back up the other, was a nasty business.

Holy crap, this just got really morbid. I need to stop now.

Sir Wolf:
ya see i didn't even read the article. i sorta got the jist by the link title. i just can't read that sorta stuff anymore. i physically get sick to my stomach.

i mean i know how i would want to react to such a horrible thing if it were my child. but as a Christian and a student of the Knight I know how I ought to act instead. sigh. hehe the inner turmoil and rechide sick feeling that one's soul would have to go through even though he/she thought there actions were just to do something in reaction to such a monster. i mean ya someone might deserve it or have it coming etc, but I'm not so sure I would be the one that could do it in all honesty. now saying this had I caught the SOB in my house etc he might be a layer of paint on my wall but I still would have more grief as to my child that I would not want to go on living. even that in itself is wrong... sigh heheh

Sir William:
I think being flayn alive would be pretty bad...I had heard of keel hauling but naturally did not know what it really meant; sounds pretty gruesome and something pirates would do for sport on some poor unfortunate soul.

Sir Brian:

Here is an entire gang in dire need of killing!  >:(

I’m sure some of you have been following this particular story about the 11 year old girl in Texas who had been repeatedly gang raped by some teenagers and several adults. There was a lot of national outrage about some of the town’s people supporting the alleged perpetrators! This story goes a little more in depth with the despicable whole story.

Sir Edward:

Wow, that is really hard to read without getting my blood boiling. Death would be too easy for them.


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