Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Warband Mod:
Sir Brian:
@ Robert: Yes unfortunately it is only for PC. If your graphics card was draining too much power you could always upgrade the power supply! ;)
Yeah Warband to me was just an vastly improved game engine for Mount and Blade. MP was ok but not as a random public server type of MP.
It is much better IMO with actual clans going at it in epic battles but then again I don't even bother with the MP. :-\
Here is some screen shots from the MOD. :)
--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2011-02-26, 21:40:31 ---I love this game. I tend to play the 1257AD mod which is basically the perfect medieval combat simulator. Never played it online yet though. I actually played it since 2008 and it is highly addictive.
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Yeah that is the next mod I'll be checking out after it's released! :)
Robert Hinds:
Cool avatar/character and good looking graphics. :)
I also like how your avatar/character owns a Albion talhoffer and knows some german longsword guards! :D
yeah, we could have replaced the power supply but it's an old computer and my parents didn't consider it worth it to install a new power supply. I would probably have paid for it but most of my cash is going towards finishing my kit. :-\
I'll have to try out this game when I buy that laptop for college! :D
Sir Patrick:
Hey Sir Brian, did you get your splinted greaves and knee cops to match your avatar, or was it the other way around? ;)
Sir Ulrich:
Theres my character(s). Sorry I couldn't get him not covered in blood, I just happened to butcher so many Saracens with my axe that just happened to be how I looked.
Also I warn ya you may have to hack the memory of your computer to play 1257AD or else it will give you bizarre crashes. I had to do it myself but it's pretty easy to do and the tutorial is actually on the forum for the mod.
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2011-02-27, 19:28:12 ---Hey Sir Brian, did you get your splinted greaves and knee cops to match your avatar, or was it the other way around? ;)
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No I had my splinted greaves and cuisses before the mod was available...That's the reason why I bought those for my avatar
so he'd be a close match to my RL harness. ;)
I asked some folks on the game forum to make a banner out of my new CoA so the avatar surcoat would match the new one
I'm having made but no one has been kind enough yet to make one for me...my photo shop skills are pathetic! :D
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