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Many SCA West Kingdom Fighting vids. Enjoy!

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As not many here are SCA I thought I would post up a link to a website full of SCA heavy fighting vid's that were taken by a local West Kingdom Viscountess.

Questions? Comments?

Meowzettes Movie Page.


Sir James A:
That's a LOT of videos! I skimmed through it, I recognize Duke Paul's name.

Sir William:
I caught a couple of them....some of them looked more like intro vids than fight vids.  Still, I like the fanfare and riot of colors I'm seeing.  Saw a lefty fighter take a quick was interesting to see the dynamic.

I'm on there. The 2 worst fights I had on each respective day was the one caught on film. :(


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-02-24, 14:50:16 ---I caught a couple of them....some of them looked more like intro vids than fight vids.  Still, I like the fanfare and riot of colors I'm seeing.  Saw a lefty fighter take a quick was interesting to see the dynamic.

--- End quote ---

What do you mean by "intro vids"?  ???


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