Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
You have been into (insert weapon/armour related hobby here) too long when...
Sir Rodney:
When you overhear your wife tell your children "No swordplay in the house, take it outside" and not even blink.
Haha, Sir Wolf, that's great! :D
Sir Rodney, double points if that is followed with something along the lines of "and put that down! Only blunts for sparring! Those are for cutting practice!"
Sir William:
When you draw a sword and twirl it in the air, simply because you can- and then register the slightly shocked/horrified looks of your guests, whom you'd completely forgotten were even there for that moment...THAT is when you've been at it too long.
My friend's wife, after a shocked silence: 'What the hell? Are we under attack?'
Her husband just looked at her...he knew what was up. Nothin. I was just doin like I normally do...doesn't bother the Wife or the Cat so I tend to forget about anyone else's sensitivities. I guess to her, it was the equivalent of pulling out a pistol and spinning it before reholstering?
I just like the feel of a sword in hand better than w/out.
Sir Rodney:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-02-22, 19:25:20 ---Sir Rodney, double points if that is followed with something along the lines of "and put that down! Only blunts for sparring! Those are for cutting practice!"
--- End quote ---
At this point (4 and 6 years of age) they only have foam "boffers". My son will be receiving his first (downsized) waster this summer. That's when we'll have the all important "treat it as a real sword" talk. ;)
Robert Hinds:
Lol you guys got some good ones! :D
Good idea starting this topic Sir Nathan, I had completly forgotten about the one on MyArmoury. Here's a few of mine...
When you room is sometimes reffered to as "The armoury".
When you wear a jack during winter instead of a jacket.
When you consider wearing clothing from 500 years ago "normal".
When having a room/closet full of weapons is not weird at all.
When your "My Pictures" folder might aswell be renamed "My Armour Pic's".
When eating with your fingers at the table isn't rude, it's "period".
When you frequently refer to the 15th century as "My time period" by accident.
When you are the only person your friends know who has a sword cut on their hand.
When peacefull hikes turn into "armed excursions".
When you feel off balance without a sword on your hip.
When your idea of a dream home is in fact a 600 year old millitary installation.
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