Main > The Round Table
Brian Price / Chivalry Bookshelf / Revival controversy
17 pages and still it goes!
Only good news is that it does look like the authors involved are doing the whole 'Lawyers & Courts' thing.
Sir Rodney:
Yes, the thread itself seems to have exploded from the depths of hell (not your fault Ivan ;) ). The sad part of the whole situation is the fact that no one wins. Brian, the authors owed royalities, the customers with defective products, the customers with money down on a project, the artists whose work has been stolen/reproduced, the SCA at large; no on wins.
Except the lawyers, they always win. (speaking of the depths of hell)
Sir William:
I think there's a special place in Hell for lawyers. lol
Sir Edward:
Wow, I stopped reading around page 11... I'll need to go back and catch up.
Sir Brian:
Speaking of lawyers in hell reminds me of this lawyer joke:
I world renowned Evangelist dies and goes to heaven where he is given a very nice and quaint cottage to spend eternity in. He is most happy and grateful to be in heaven but a little perplexed to see a lawyer whom he had witnessed to while on earth and was eventually saved had been given a huge mansion to live in. He stopped and asked Saint Peter about how he, a devote Evangelist all his life on earth was only rewarded with a nice, although small cottage while a lawyer whom he knew had been a cheat, liar, adulterer and blasphemer before finally accepting Jesus on his deathbed was given a huge and magnificent mansion to live in...
Saint Peter replied that heaven was full of Evangelist both great and small but had only one lawyer!
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