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The Nine Worthies

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Sir Ulrich:
Caesar was nothing but a murderer and oppressor of the Celtic people. He shouldn't be on the list.

What about Titus Pullo or Lucius Vorbenus?

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2011-02-28, 01:10:29 ---Caesar was nothing but a murderer and oppressor of the Celtic people. He shouldn't be on the list.

--- End quote ---

It is all about his people he was a benevolent tyrant and savior of Rome but even that did not last as his former comrades slew him out of jealousy and political intrigue.  

LOL @ rautskegg - both of them have my vote, especially Vorenus.  He had the sack to turn down Cleopatra...that's one bad ass dude that can do that!

On another note, I just love the writing style of the guy on - it is hilarious!  Here's a sample regarding Princess (Zhao) Pingyang of China:

"The Army of the Lady soon became so formidable that the Sui sent the shattered remnants of their pathetic forces after Zhao, but she was such a battle-harded ass-smasher at this time that she basically throat-stomped the entire Sui army into meat slurry without even taking her sandals off. Soon after crushing the Sui forces, she linked up with her father's equally-badass army (they had been blitzing in from the frontier), and together the two forces led the final assault on the Imperial palace at Chang'an (in modern day Xi'an). Zhao commanded a wing of the army in the assault, and together the father-and-daughter face-smashing duo drove the Sui from Chang'an. General Li seized the throne, declaring himself Emperor Gaozu, the first ruler of the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Doucheface fled the town before being captured, but one of the guy's chief advisors finally got sick of his retarded bullshit and mercifully choked the guy out until he died from it."

There's another section where he talks about her stomping scrotes across China- this guy's got tears comin out of MY eyes!

Joshua Santana:
Well, the Pagan worthies, I haven't read much information to form a premise but I will look into it.

As you can tell, there is Joshua as the first Biblical Worthy, much to my pleasure I am happy that I am named after the Biblical Joshua, so I do have the pleasure of being inspired to Chivalry from that viewpoint and being named after a famous warrior.

Fort those that don't know, the Biblical Joshua was a famous Jewish General who conquered Canaan and is famous for the victories and for being a charismatic leader who had Faith in God and lead courageously in battle.

The other Worthies I know them and won't need to mention them.  They are there and that's that.  But i really like this discussion! ;)


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