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Fixing a loose visor

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Robert Hinds:
I have a GDFB sallet that I got from KultofAthena awhile back, and at first the visor stayed up on its own pretty well. But after lifting it a dozen or so times it dosn't want to stay up for very long and instead falls down if I make any quick movements.

I was wondering if anyone here could offer advice on how to correct this problem? On MyArmoury someone mentioned re-peening the rivets but I found this awkward to do (some leather on the inside covered up the rivet), not to mention my incomplete understanding of peening rivets from reading a few articles online about it.  :-\

Ideally I'd like to add a spring pin but I don't have the knowledge or tools to do that.

If anyone could give me some advice on how to fix this I would be very gratefull.  :)

Sir Brian:
Small world indeed because I have the same intentions with my visor for my great bascinet. Sir Wolf had posted a link somewhere on this forum, sorry that I don't have ready access to it for you. I have already made my spring pin out of a hacksaw blade and another pin and 'm just waiting for my visor to be returned to me from the artist who needed it for a custom job.  :-\

If you need a hacksaw blade and pin then drop me a PM with your address and I'll send you one. I was intending to hold it in place with a Chicago screw, which I could send you one of those as well.  ;)

Robert Hinds:
That is very generous of you Sir Brian!  :) Although I think I should wait before accepting, untill I completely understand what I need to do to add a spring pin, as I'm not sure I have access to all the tools I would need (if it's just drilling I can manage that, but if it's cutting a slit in the helmet that's something else).

EDIT: Just realized that drilling might include taking the visor off. I've never done that before so I would probably be a little hesitent about doing that since this is my only helm.

Maybe I'll be fortunate enough that Sir Wolf will see this and be kind enough to repost that link.  ;)

And Sir Brian is the artist adding something to your visor? And if so what is he adding?

Sir Wolf:
will respond this evening.

or look in the search function, i helped sir brian on here once i think

Sir Brian:
I found your original post on adding a spring pin Sir Wolf. Sorry I didn't post it earlier but I've been
really pressed for time this past week.  ;),115.0.html

--- Quote from: Robert Hinds on 2011-02-14, 03:17:39 ---That is very generous of you Sir Brian!  :) Although I think I should wait before accepting, untill I completely understand what I need to do to add a spring pin, as I'm not sure I have access to all the tools I would need (if it's just drilling I can manage that, but if it's cutting a slit in the helmet that's something else).

EDIT: Just realized that drilling might include taking the visor off. I've never done that before so I would probably be a little hesitent about doing that since this is my only helm.

Maybe I'll be fortunate enough that Sir Wolf will see this and be kind enough to repost that link.  ;)

And Sir Brian is the artist adding something to your visor? And if so what is he adding?

--- End quote ---

Drilling will definitely be involved but whether you have to remove the visor or depends on where you want to locate the spring pin. You could always drill through both when you have the visor in the position you want it to be pinned.

As to what I'm having made I'm not ready to divulge just yet as I want to unveil it here on the board when I have it all done, so I ask for your patience and pardon for my little quirk of vanity in this as it is part of my armor “makeover”. :D


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