Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Knightly chivalry in WoW

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Haha. Reminds me of an orc woman who makes you address her as Sir Mazoga in Elder Scrolls 4.

Or Sir Robin's quest from Monty Python....

Sir Wolf:
"bravely ran away away, brave brave brave sir robin"

Sir William:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-02-14, 03:44:03 ---Haha. Reminds me of an orc woman who makes you address her as Sir Mazoga in Elder Scrolls 4.

--- End quote ---

Ahhh...good ole Sir Mazoga.  I did like her...if only because she was adamant about being a knight despite having little training in the way of.  She handled herself well enough...that is to say, I did.  lol


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