Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Super Bowl Armour

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Sir Rodney:
Anyone else notice the Bud Light ad the featured an actor in full armour that had the Bud Light logo splashed all over it?

Who made it, and what is the auction price?


Congrats to the cheese heads, as painful as it is to say...

Sir Patrick:
Loved that commercial.  I don't know about an auction price, so I'll just have to make our own.  Time to switch from bottles to cans ;D

Sir Wolf:
i missed tht one hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sir Edward:
I'm sure most of the ads will make it to youtube before long, if not already.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2011-02-07, 05:02:12 ---Loved that commercial.  I don't know about an auction price, so I'll just have to make our own.  Time to switch from bottles to cans ;D

--- End quote ---

I like that idea alot Sir Knight- you let me know when you're ready to take our measurements.  ;)

Go Packers!  I'm a Giants fan, but yesterday I was a Pack fan...they deserved that win, they played a hell of a game.  So did the Steelers for that matter...that wasn't a giveaway game for either team.


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