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I finally did it...

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Sir Rodney:
I attended my first WMA practice this evening!  :)

The small group German longsword practice was lead by Craig of Arms & Armor at The Oakeshott Institute.  I spent most of the time trying to keep my footwork straight while going half-speed with a waster.  As someone who has fought armoured full-contact rattan combat for more years than I care to count, this was a very refreshing experience.  The mood was light and the instruction was easily understood, since Craig used both German and English terms for the newbie's benefit.  As the regular practice space was occupied by another function, we were "forced" to practice in a room holding authentic 16th century Persian armour and many A&A replicas in glass display cases.  I stayed as far away as possible!

The approach was low key and everyone was very friendly.  I'm hungry for more...

Sir Wolf:
hahaha sucked in are you?

Sir Edward:

Excellent! It's pretty easy to pick up the basics, and it's a lot of fun. One thing I'm sure you'll find interesting is less emphasis on power. :)

Craig does a pretty cool class at WMAW where he brings in a bunch of A&A non-sword weapons and lets people go at hard targets with them. Then, since they're used, he sells them at a discount. I got a mace and a hungarian axe this way. :)

Sir William:
Guess I've got to get my arse in gear and join the rest of you lot.  ;)

Sir Rodney, where did this take place, location, city state?

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-02-04, 14:28:47 ---Sir Rodney, where did this take place, location, city state?
--- End quote ---

Good morning all.  I'm still coming down from my high and just finished boring my co-workers to death with the details.  (They're kind of used to the medieval thing by now as funny shaped, sometimes clanking, packages arrive for me every so often.)

Craig's current class schedule is every Thursday at 6:00 PM in Minneapolis (here).  I learned from another student that the Twin Cities Fencing Club has longsword free-play on Saturdays at 8:00 AM.  Somehow I have to find time to squeeze this in with weekly SCA combat practices, my wife coaching two sports & playing two sports as well as both my children becoming involved in sports and Scouting.  Maybe it is time to break down and purchase a mini-van. :'( :'( :'(


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