Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Sad news about Ceann

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Sir Matthew:
I thought I would post this hear since many of us in the Knightly and Faire world also make it out to Celtic festivals. Patrick Halloran the singer for Ceann was killed Tuesday in a car accident in Vermont. Details are a little short right now and his family is still working on arrangements for the services. Pat was a freind of mine and will be sorely missed by all of us that knew him. If any of you did know Pat or Ceann and are interested in attending the service or making a donation to the family to help defray the costs, let me know and I will pass on the info when I get it.

Sir William:
May he rest in peace.

Sir Patrick:
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.

Sir James A:
That is sad to hear. Requiescat in pace.

Sir Brian:
My condolences to you Matt and the family of your deceased friend. May the Lord assuage your bereavement.  :(


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