Main > The Round Table

True Test of Chivalry

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Sir Patrick:
Came across this post on another forum.  I think his response to the situation is commendable, and illustrates an EXCELLENT point:  You are not a knight most in victory, but in defeat.

Sir Edward:
I absolutely agree with what he's saying. How we conduct ourselves in hard times, and in defeat, is a real test of our character. It's easy to be polite and honorable when the conditions are favorable. It's not so easy when we feel hurt, betrayed, and demoralized. My hat's off to this gentleman for holding to his principles under devastating circumstances.

Sir William:
I'll allow that in my humble opinion, he is a better man than me.  He is in dire straits due to that woman's machinations- and she knew she felt this way before she asked him to move up.  To my mind, she's not worthy of his chivalrous behavior but I will agree that no matter the occasion, chivalry should always hold forth and ring true.  Its just a lot easier said than done and I really, really feel for Ivan, that's a horrible situation to be in- made worse by the fact that it could've been avoided had she had some semblance of integrity.

Sir Edward:

That's true, her actions were despicable. Thankfully he's not advocating being a door-mat. He fully intends to move out and move on as soon as he is able, but in the meantime he's not going to stoop to petty destructive behavior.

Chivalry doesn't demand that we tolerate being wronged, of course. I think in cases like this, it's best to excise the person from your life, like a cancerous tumor.

Sir Patrick:
The more I think about what happened to Ivan, the more I realize how much farther down the path I need to travel.  I honestly don't kow if I could get through that with as much grace.  I think he'd make a fine addition over here, and sent him a pm inviting him to check us out.  His last post said he'd be traveling a few days, but after he gets home maybe we'll hear from him.


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