Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Smart or stupid? You be the judge

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-01-25, 21:27:04 ---
 So to clarify, you're thinking of a free-standing cabinet, with pegboard inside to hang hooks, right? I think it's a pretty good idea. That's always my biggest fear with constructing something-- that my needs will change and all of that work will go to waste. On the other hand, most of my Albions stand up against a bookshelf or in a corner now, and my cheap swords hang on racks. Something is clearly wrong with me.

--- End quote ---

Yes, free standing with pegboard inside. Probably no more than 6 or 8 inches deep, so I'll anchor it to the wall with an L bracket on top, but otherwise free standing. Due to living in a small house, most of my swords are living in a closet or leaning between the bedroom furniture right now - my wife even said I need to do something to put them on display.

I've actually gone through 3 or 4 cases/stands that I built over the last 15ish years. Those didn't contain my whole collection, with the exception of the first one, back when I only owned 5 swords. I've got a few random single/triple sword stands that sit on tables, and a pair of 8-sword japanese racks on the wall in the bedroom, but I want to "consolidate" things into one area along with the armor.

Right now, current "armory inventory" stands at:

21 : Katanas (long swords)
11 : European Swords 37-45"
9 : European Swords 46"+
7 : European Swords 36"-
6 : Nunchaku
4 : Wakizashi (medium swords)
3 : Tantos (dagger)
3 : "Ninja" swords (straight blade style katanas)
2 : Sai
1 : 15th Cent german halberd
1 : Spear
1 : Large axe (about 3')
1 : Dual-Ball flail
1 : Rapier & Dagger matching set
1 : Ring-hilt dagger
1 : NoDachi (japanese great sword - about 5' long)
1 : Naginata (polearm)
1 : Bo staff
1 : set of shuko (hand claws)
1 : set of double-swords that slide together to make a single wooden staff

I might have missed 1 or 2 somewhere. Even if I didn't, I'm sure I'll buy 1 or 2 before the end of the year. :D

Sir Wolf - how much were they/where did he pick them up? That might be a viable idea. The main issue is that I think I need 7 or 8 cases at 3'-4' in width and 6' in height since I've got so many items that are good for little more than being wallhangers. :o And lighting - I hadn't though of that! To the drawing board again! :D

Sir Edward - if mine turn out okay and you want to build a case, let me know. I've got a table saw, compound mitre saw, jigsaw, drill press, and other various woodworking tools. There's a Home Depot less than 5 miles from my house so getting materials would be easy. The only thing I lack is skill!

Sir Brian:
 :o OMG James! You are better armed than most third world nations!  :D

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-01-26, 04:21:13 ---Right now, current "armory inventory" stands at:

21 : Katanas (long swords)
11 : European Swords 37-45"
9 : European Swords 46"+
7 : European Swords 36"-
6 : Nunchaku
4 : Wakizashi (medium swords)
3 : Tantos (dagger)
3 : "Ninja" swords (straight blade style katanas)
2 : Sai
1 : 15th Cent german halberd
1 : Spear
1 : Large axe (about 3')
1 : Dual-Ball flail
1 : Rapier & Dagger matching set
1 : Ring-hilt dagger
1 : NoDachi (japanese great sword - about 5' long)
1 : Naginata (polearm)
1 : Bo staff
1 : set of shuko (hand claws)
1 : set of double-swords that slide together to make a single wooden staff

I might have missed 1 or 2 somewhere. Even if I didn't, I'm sure I'll buy 1 or 2 before the end of the year. :D
--- End quote ---

 :o :o :o :o  8)

Sir Wolf:
what i think you need to do is this:

do you have a unused wall?

if so take a a few 1x8 and lay them horizontally. so they reach from one wall to the other. along the back every so many inches make peg holes for standing pole arms and in the the middle and front make slits to hold vertically hanging swords.

use either L brackets, triangular wood pieces underneath or what have you on the studs every other or 3rd stud about 3-4 ft from the ground. now nail the horizontal piece across the supports and insert swords and pole arms

Sir William:
Wow...you don't need a display case, you need to build up the wall to hold all of that.  I'm seeing the sunken in tray-lighting angled toward that wall...as for the wall, I see a stone-like motif but you don't want to paint it on, per se, unless you know someone who is an ace at perspective to make it look realistic.  You could even split the wall up between Eastern and Western weaponry.

I see the Euros done in a sunburst style while the Eastern arms in corresponding angles, beautiful in its symmetry.  I'm just rambling here, sorry.


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