Main > The Great Hall

Good day to you...

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Sir Arnwald Skullsplitter:
Hail brave knights !

And it is certainly an honor to behold all.... of you..

Anyway, I have an inkling as to what this hobby is all about, but I probably know little. I've been meaning to get involved for years, but I was always too lazy. Now I suppose, I'm not getting any younger, and I certaintly wouldn't be young by the standards of the time period I want to emulate. In Dark Ages years, I'm probably closer to 90 then 25.

And I'll probably need a little bit of help getting started. I'm guessing I'll have to do a little research, I was thinking it might be interesting to explore a more exotic European locale, if that's recommended for beginners.

Anywho, I look forward to hearing from you all. :)

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Pull up a chair near the hearth and take your ease and we’ll lift a tankard or two as you revel us with some tales of your deeds! Oh and welcome to the forum!  :)

Sir Wolf:
welcome good sir and sit by the hearth to stay warm. if you need anything, want to share links, have questions, want to learn something new or just have a silly post please do so! we're all like minded folks just having a good time

Sir Patrick:
Huzzah and welcome, good sir knight!

Sir Ancelyn:
This is an excellent place to begin Sir Arnwald. Welcome.


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