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Sir Edward:
Depends on the time period. Earlier tourneys were practically all-out warfare.

Sir William:
I should've clarified...I meant post-Marshal.  From my readings, I understand that the earlier tournaments were as you said, practically all-out warfare...its easy for me to sit here and say cool, I wanna do that- but I doubt I'd want to lose my life in said outing.

I think that one day we'll be taking virtual vacations a la Total Recall...or even better, being able to take vacations in history like Stewie did on Family Guy.  Imagine being able to be a man-at-arms in Edward's army at Crecy or Henry's at Agincourt, or stand with the Marshal alongside the Templars in the Holy Land...and if you die on the battlefield all it does is terminate your vacation, not you.

I think I just came up with a premise for a novella.

Sir Edward:

Yep, later when it became a more organized competitive sport, they made all sorts of changes to make it safer.

Oh man, how cool would that be? We really need a star-trek style holodeck. :)

Sir William:
Holodeck ftw!  Wouldn't that be grand? 


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