Main > The Courtyard

Snippet of F.O.G.

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Sir Wolf:
very cool

Sir William:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2011-01-20, 23:31:00 ---Very cool!  Loved the kits, and a real castle is something we never see at our events here!  If only your group wasn't on the other side of the pond...

--- End quote ---

I intend on visiting the U.K. within the next few years...I hope to meet up with these guys whenever that does occur.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir William, et all,
 I would love nothing more than to be your first port of call, should you wish to visit our little rock. Please don`t hesitate in contacting me, should you decide to cross the pond.
I can`t guarantee you would get an unbiased tour as I definitely have my favorite medieval sites. lol

Thank you all for your kind words, I really consider it a compliment. We try our best to entertain and educate our visitors/guests in the ways of the medieval world. Some of us even try to impart some of the ideals of chivalry  ;)

One of the venues that we play in is Beaumaris castle in Anglesey, where they have a chapel. We always run a full knighting ceremony of one of our squires. This goes down well with the MOPS. Then we hold a tourney where the newly knighted squire gets to proove his prowess. If I get a copy of the video I will post a link.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---We always run a full knighting ceremony of one of our squires. This goes down well with the MOPS. Then we hold a tourney where the newly knighted squire gets to proove his prowess. If I get a copy of the video I will post a link.

--- End quote ---

Oh please do! I would love to see that!  :)

Sir William:
Same here!


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