Main > The Armoury

Icefalcon riveted TITANIUM mail

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Sir Ulrich:
Am I the only one who would want a mail shirt made of wrought bog iron instead of stainless or aluminium. Bog iron has resistance to rust as well due to the slag. It would probably be what the northern europe used during the early middle ages. Problem is wrought iron is rare anymore. Shame there isn't a specialty mill that makes it for those purposes, it's better than mild steel when it comes to deflecting blows.

Sir Wolf:
no we all do. and you can have it too. Eric Schmitt (sp?) makes these for people and museums but your looking at $10k for a shirt.

Sir William:
I would if I were fighting in it, that's for sure.  As for the upgrade cycle that Sir Edward mentioned, if I'm not mistaken, we're constantly in upgrade mode.  At least, I am.  And I KNOW I'm not alone.  lol


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