Main > The Armoury

Scabbard suspensions

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Sir William:
As long as it is taking for my custom scabbard and suspension to come from Slayer Leatherworks, I may have been better served doing it myself!  I'm just venting...its gonna be fabulous WHEN I get it.  

Still...this is a good alternative, cheaper than Tandy is a definite plus, especially for those DIY'rs...speakin of which, anyone seen Silvanus of late?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-01-19, 14:52:30 ---speakin of which, anyone seen Silvanus of late?

--- End quote ---

You know I was thinking about that recently. He did create his new account, but I haven't seen him. I hope everything's OK. I'm guessing he's just been busy or something.

Sir Wolf:
Shoot him an email and check, maybe he got locked out or something or dragged off by wild dogs and can't get into the forum

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-01-19, 15:04:05 ---Shoot him an email and check, maybe he got locked out or something or dragged off by wild dogs and can't get into the forum

--- End quote ---


Sir William:
I've been killing getting killed by attack dogs in COD:Black Ops...nasty little buggers.


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