Main > The Armoury

Just joined the "14th Century Mafia", apparently I'm quite sick...

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Sir James A:
For those who didn't see the pics on Facebook, this URL should work:

Unfortunately, no "wearing" pics yet - I need to exchange my IceFalcon gambeson for one a bit larger (sigh) and then add points to it. I'm hoping to be done by the first weekend in Feb, if all goes well.

Sir Wolf:
y longer?

Sir James A:
Latest picture with the armor on the stand for now. Vambraces from the gothic harness went out to Allan at MercTailor today so I can get some fully enclosed ones, instead of the MRL "half" vambraces. Sorry, I forgot to rotate it before uploading - do the owl-neck thing and it looks normal. :)

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-01-25, 18:04:45 ---y longer?

--- End quote ---

Larger, unfortunately, not longer. Lack of, uh, circumference in the jacket, to properly contain my mid-torso region. AKA, I was too fat for it - seems I ordered based on my waist size. :o

A couple boxes came in the last few days, so it's almost time to start pointing and tweaking. Most of this will be used for the 14th C kit as well as the MRL Gothic kit.

Rivited mail pliers, pointing kits, and leather reinforcement tabs from Historic Enterprises (

Awl, eyelet setting pliers, and small black eyelets from Brettuns Village (

Just need to figure out what to lace the mail to the arming coat/gambeson with, and I should be set. Loose rivited rings are still on backorder from Icefalcon, but I bought 2 boxes, which I'm hoping is enough to make the voiders into full-wrap sleeves, and to also make a skirt. The voiders wrap around my entire wrist with some leftovers, at their current size. Voiders and skirt are for the gothic set - the 14th C set has a 3/4 sleeve shirt of it's own, which is, unfortunately, butted mail - but probably will be replaced in due time.

To finish off the kits, I have the MRL drawstring pants in black ( and the MRL Low Boots Without Fringe in black ( I may attempt to make some sabatons myself after the display cases and other projects are done ... hopefully before renn-fest season starts.

Sir William:
Sir James is rather industrious...I'm a hibernating bear in comparison.  LOL

Sir James A:
The Historic Enterprises rivited mail pliers don't seem to play well with the IceFalcon 9mm stainless rivited rings - I ordered a pair from IceFalcon, and he said they were made specifically for the 9mm rings. The HE pliers work, but the holes are the wrong depth for the rivits I have, and it has 3 hole sets, so adding another one isn't reasonable. I was hoping to have the skirt and arm voiders knocked out a while back, but extended work hours and ~3 months delivery time for the rivited rings has put a substantial damper on it.

I placed an order with Allen at Mercenary's Tailor for a simple 14th cent style breast/back (no faulds or tassets) so that I can wear this harness with either the full hauberk or just the arming coat with arm/skirt voiders. The greaves also didn't close, as I thought they might not, so I ordered a set from Allen as well, at least I can get into kit reasonably soon, then I will work on dishing the existing ones when I have some downtime.

ArmorAndCastings quit taking orders, so I've been hunting for a helmet and gauntlets. I'm leaning towards the GDFB brass trimmed 14th Cent gauntlets from TherionArms, and the GDFB brass trimmed helm too - though Sir Edward recently got one and I don't want to be toooo much of a copycat. ;) I have an arming cap and padded coif to go along with it.

Sabatons are going to be interesting; I received a quote from Halberds@AA, but $485 + shipping nearly floored me. He does FANTASTIC work, but that's a bit past my price range right now.

To keep me happy while I wait, I ordered a 2' x 3' gonfalon with my coat of arms. I'll post pics when it gets here. :D


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