Main > The Armoury

think there worth it?

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Sir Wolf:

Sir Rodney:
Sir Wolf, I don't know what to make of these.  I can usually identify a manufacturer in short order, but these are proving difficult.  You linked to a retailer and there seems to be 3 to 4 other web retailers selling the same product for $55 to $60.  They all carry the same armour and while some of it is very ugly, the sabatons look OK.  These may be manufactured in Mexico??

Proper fit is important with sabatons or your feet will hate you.  If you're handy and can make adjustments on your own I'd say go for it.


You might want to give Allan at Merc Tailor a call to see if he can whip up a pair.  He might be more expensive, but they would be custom fit and you would be supporting a local craftsman (and a hell of a nice guy).

Sir Wolf:
ya i just posted them cause the price looked ok. I patterned out a pair a long time ago but never made a set.

Sir James A:
Agreed on checking with Allan at MercTailor. I'm trying to convince him to make a pattern for a set; I need 3 sets myself, so it might be worth his time to work on some if we have a bigger order for him.

At $60 ($70 shipped), it's not a bad deal at all. But as Rodney said, if they don't fit right, if they don't articulate right, they'll end up a shelf ornament, and then you'll be paying Allan (or someone else) to make a properly sized, properly articulated set for you. ;)

Sir Edward:

I'm tempted to grab them just for the heck of it. But you're right. If they don't work, then it'll be a waste.


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