Miscellaneous > The Sallyport



Sir Wolf:
funny night,

I'm trying on some of my reenacting clothes for my event in March. i store my bins under the stairs and the clothes are icy cold. so i am warming them by the fire like you would in period before i can put them on for sizing hehehe. "warming my brais by the fire" as it were

Sir Patrick:
Kramer just put his in the oven :D

Sir William:
Yea, but when he put it in a pizza oven, it burned.  Smelled good though, I'm sure.  We had calzones for dinner the other night!

Sir Brian:
And thank you for that Sir William! Now I won't be able to eat a calzone without thinking about
Kramer's underwear!  :P

Sir William:

It was just his blazer man...he didn't go full-nude in the pizza shop!  However, it DID start with him warming his undies in the oven, I remember that now.


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