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Time for a gorget!

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Sir Brian:
Heh, I'd settle for just some decent looks of my youthful 30s!  ;)

Sir William:
Well, some of us mature into our looks and actually look better now than we did as youngsters.  That is sort of true for me (I was just a scrawny kid up until I hit 25).  I'm in better shape now than I was then...but I could absorb a lot more abuse back then than I can now.

Weird, huh?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2011-04-08, 07:48:18 ---I keep my beard, I look 6 years younger without it.

--- End quote ---

In 20 years, you may be doing quite the opposite and shaving all the time so you don't look as old as you are. That's what happened to me.

Sir Brian:
Ok I received my new gorget Wednesday after I had to send a few e-mail inquiries to when it would be done. I have to say that the hardened armor grade leather is excellent and it was well constructed just not correctly constructed for my neck. It was more oval shaped than circular which made the back portion stick up oddly. Instead of returning or re-engineering it I simply separated it and strapped each piece so now I have a pair of gorgets instead of just one. It will suffice for both WMA and fighting in garb – i.e. demonstration fighting in armor I eventually hope to do in the near future. I also said to hell with it and ordered an ice hockey type of gorget for WMA classes.  :-\

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Doesn't it get really hoy wearing all the armor...At the PA Rennassance Faire, I try to get away with the minimum.


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