Main > The Armoury

MRL deal of the weekend


Sir Wolf:

man i wish i had 100 bucks

Sir Andrew:
 shoot yeah! That is DEFINITELY the deal!!! :D

Sir Brian:
Man that is a sweet deal! I do have a $100 but that's earmarked for an aluminum waster I need to buy since not everyone at MASHS has steel.  :-\

Sir William:
They even got the Robin Hood sword for $195...must not be selling well.  And now, they're cobbling...not that that is new news, but they're admitting to it now:

I'd noticed this among a few of their pieces...that they looked similar to other advertised pieces, I'd figured out long ago they were just trying to make the most  with what they had.

By the by, Sir Wolf, that falchion's still available for $92.50...and knowing me, I probably would've gotten one if I'd never seen Albion's.  I HAVE to have that one.

Sir Ulrich:
Crap I missed out...  Had the money too..


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