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Spurs 50% off

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Sir William:
I know they felt them necessary at the time, but were they really?  I'd never wear them if I were going for my own, I'll get mine.  I'll wear'm too...I'm already a knight, just wanting the Accolade for my own heart's content.  :)

Sir Andrew:
   I have a pair of quietpress that Sir Brian graciously bestowed upon me as well, Sir Edward.
  Another thought to consider, I don't know how malleable the brass set ups are, But the plated
  are a breeze to "form" to the heel of a boot, which makes them look nicer, and they "ride" better.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Andrew on 2011-01-06, 21:42:20 ---   I have a pair of quietpress that Sir Brian graciously bestowed upon me as well, Sir Edward.
  Another thought to consider, I don't know how malleable the brass set ups are, But the plated
  are a breeze to "form" to the heel of a boot, which makes them look nicer, and they "ride" better.

--- End quote ---

That's an excellent point. The gilt quietpress ones are indeed very malleable. The brass ones I have (though not from talbot's) are very stiff and would be difficult to bend to conform to your boot or shoe if needed. Brass is a very stiff metal so I would suspect talbot's to be similar.

Sir Ulrich:
Wish they sold an iron pair of them. For some reason fancy metals like brass and whatnot don't appeal as much to me as iron does. Guess it's cause the Knights Templar used rather plain equipment to show they took a vow of poverty.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-01-06, 14:56:14 ---
Sir Wolf pointed this out to me:

I'm not sure how long the sale will last, but I thought I'd go ahead and point it out, even though these are brass. I still think Quiet Press is the better deal since you can get gold plating without spending too much:

--- End quote ---

Well I prefer the quiet press spurs which although having a little bit of a long lead time (around 4-6 weeks) if you opt for the plating and straps with buckles the cost with shipping runs $85 - $95 which won’t be too bad if we are taking up a collection to present them as a gift for future new members. Since we are still at our infancy stage in this order perhaps we would best be served if we provided our own spurs for the initial knighting to establish our core of future knightly “sponsors”, after all we as the founding members have the somewhat daunting task of establishing the future traditions of the order.  :-\


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