Main > The Armoury

Gambeson Quest.

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Sir Brian:
Well wonders of wonders they replied to my latest inquiry late yesterday with the actual tracking number! So I guess it will all be a matter of time before I get it from the Ukraine. Once I see how the quality of the product is I will make an overall decision on whether it is worth the extra wait for their merchandise or not. One thing is certain though is don’t order from them if time is of the essence!  ;)

Sir Robert:
Interesting saga, and great information, I wear a fairly heavy set of plate I wear with chain under but I dont wear a gambeson or much padding at all, mostly because its all to hot. I have to wonder just how people did it on a crusade. I was in Virginia last Memorial Day at the VA Faire, it was 97, I was dumb enough to wear full plate and lasted about four hours, cant imagine that also in a gembeson. I would need if filled with ice.

Sir Brian:
Yes "ice" is the operative word there! I don't think I'd survive in armor all day in those 80+ degree faire days if I didn't get an extra couple of hours with my wet undershirt/ice pack combination.  ;)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I've learned to pre-soak my shirt under my armor on those hot VARF days. :)

Sir William:
I should be writing this stuff down...the one and only time I went to VARF was in 07, in June, and even though I wore only my maille (hauberk and coif) I still felt like I was being braised.  Don't know how you guys wear plate on days like that; as for our forebears, they weren't coddled by selectable temperature control systems, running water, sweat-wicking fabrics, and all of the modern appurtenances that have softened mankind over the years...I suspect in truth, if a knight were to travel to our day and age he would be both amazed and amused...and maybe not a little disappointed?  LOL


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