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Season of the witch

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Sir William:
Unless....we can all agree on a date, time and location?  Oh, and movie, of course. 

I like Nic Cage but you're right...on another board we were talking about actors who make the role suit them, as opposed to actors who fulfill the role.  John Wayne comes to mind for the former.  EVERY movie I've ever seen him in, he's the Duke, no one else.  He's just called something different in each flick, but we all know him as the Duke, no?

Sir Edward:

There's some actors where you really don't mind that. They just have a presence that you enjoy seeing in films. John Wayne is a great example. But Nic Cage is kinda bland, IMHO. :) I enjoy most of the films he's in, but I don't feel like he really brings anything to the role that another actor couldn't do better.

Take Gary Oldman... man, he's just amazing. Completely transforms himself for each role.

Sir James A:
The movie looks interesting based on the previews. There's a bit of foreshadowing where he says something like "but if she is not what you say, you cannot have her". As much fun as watching in armor would be ... I'm not sure I could take ~2 hours of sitting in a plate harness. :)

Sir William:
Yea...he is an incredibly gifted actor...he's sold me on EVERY part he's played, even that of a dwarf in Tiptoes...just awesome.  Another guy who has the magnetism to make a role work is Clint Eastwood.  A la John Wayne, he has great presence...

As for endurance, I used to have that same problem til I changed up my workout its no problem for me to sit, stand, ambulate in my full harness (granted, it only weighs in about 50lbs including undergarments and assorted accoutrements) for hours on end w/little or no discomfort.  Of course...I've never had a full plate harness w/which to try...but am slowly working on it.  ;)

Sir Edward:

I don't know, in armor I find it easier to sit down for a long time than stand for a long time. Heh :)

See, 13th to early 14th C is where it's at. The mail flexes with you and is comfortable in a chair. :)


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