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Season of the witch

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Sir William:
I await your review, Sir Wolf!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-07-12, 15:17:44 ---I figured Your Highness to be a spoof on medieval movies, what with that idiot playing the lead.  As I'm a Natalie Portman fan, I thought about catching it on cable when it hits OnDemand.

If you liked Season of the Witch, then I think you'll really like Black Death so go see it, lets talk.

--- End quote ---

It's definitely a spoof, and somewhat reminded me of "Scary Movie", in that I think I'm missing some of the jokes/puns by missing some of the material they're making fun of. It wasn't a terrible movie, but not something I'm likely to watch again. It's still worth a watch if you have the time and nothing else to do, and you might get all of the jokes, which I'm sure has a lot to do with the enjoyment factor.

After a quick google for Natalie Portman, she's the "second best" eye candy to the movie, to my eyes, anyway.

I'll see if I can get some time to watch Black Death later this week.

Sir William:
What was the first best eye candy in that movie?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-07-12, 20:30:27 ---What was the first best eye candy in that movie?

--- End quote ---

Weaponry, of course. :D

I thought the princess (I think she was?) that was involved in the wedding at the beginning was more visually appealing, but that's personal preference of course.

Sir Wolf:
got to see SOTW tonight. fun flick. totally non period in everything. and i mean everything. uggg those helmets!!! what in the heck were they? hehehhehee


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