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Season of the witch

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-07-01, 14:42:01 ---(AFAIK, there were no Templars after 1307, right?)

--- End quote ---

We could fill another entire forum trying to answer that question. ;)

I've got the movie and it's on my watch list for tonight. I'll post thoughts about it in a few days.

Sir William:
Tell me about it.  lol

Sir James A:
Just saw this last night. I haven't seen Black Death, so I can't compare it to that, but I also saw Your Highness, and that was a flop compared to this. I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. I read a number of "down" reviews, and didn't expect much. As Sir William said, it was a bit of a change from the "usual", and to me, it was in a good way. It was interesting enough that I put down the laptop and did NOTHING but watch the movie, which is VERY out of the ordinary for me, as I tend to watch TV/websurf at the same time, or TV/games, or internet/games...

Sir William:
I figured Your Highness to be a spoof on medieval movies, what with that idiot playing the lead.  As I'm a Natalie Portman fan, I thought about catching it on cable when it hits OnDemand.

If you liked Season of the Witch, then I think you'll really like Black Death so go see it, lets talk.

Sir Wolf:
watching Black Death now. its so so, so far


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