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Season of the witch

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Sir Wolf:
HAH ahahhaah

Sir Andrew:
I'll have to agree with Sir William, I'd like to see it just for it's entertainment value. Some of the make-up and effects look awesome!

Sir Wolf:
saw that this was on dvd now. anyone pic it  up and see it? report?

Sir Edward:

Ah, I hadn't noticed. I may run out and grab it, or rent it, not sure which yet.

Sir William:
I ordered it wife and I actually enjoyed it- again, leaving the historical inaccuracies aside (AFAIK, there were no Templars after 1307, right?) it was entertaining...Cage was his usual deadpan self; I thought Ron Perlman was suitably roguish a la Titus Pullo in Rome and the action sequences were good enough.  By that I mean I do not recall any 90 degree cross parries you usually find in Hollywood, it wasn't as flashy as it could've been and that sort of fitted in with the overall feel of the movie.

At times it seemed disjointed, almost as if certain elements weren't as developed as they were meant to be...this is the second medieval witch-themed movie...Black Death starring Sean Bean also approached the Plague in medieval England (although in BD, the time frame was more accurate, as was the costume, weapons and set designs).

This was a good summer popcorn type of movie; Black Death was a better movie overall.  My two bits, such as they are.


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