Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

i am so sick

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Sir Wolf:
i ordered parts to start work on my 18th century rev war and 19th century wild west kits today for my Christmas presents.

Sir William:
I think I'M sick...with envy!!!

I was thinking of picking up one of those American rev sabers marketed by MRL through their ACC lineup; always liked the simple lines and (seeming) fluidity of the piece.

Sir Wolf:
welp. wild west is almost done. my hat came today and i made my cartridge belt this evening minus the bullet loops (have to order those bullets first) tomorrow my pistol will be here so i can make the holster. then all i really need to do is order a jacket. and a spencer rifle and a horse and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hehehee

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-01-07, 02:44:41 ---...then all i really need to do is order a jacket. and a spencer rifle and a horse and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hehehee

--- End quote ---

How about this one? He isn't very old, has great stamina and great with kids!  :D

Sir Wolf:
i have a red hippity hop does that count ehheheh


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