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Virginia Academy of Fencing Hist Sword Class in January


Sir Ancelyn:
Hey Paladin, did you sign up for the Saturday classes in January and early February?

Sir William:
I haven't yet...but I see it on my schedule to sign up on 12/10 so as far as I know, that's still going to happen.  Thanks for the reminder though!

Sir Brian:
Well I've had my third class this past Sunday @ MASHS and I am enjoying it immensely! Larry asked me if I had a mask yet and since I don’t he let me borrow his spare mask. I’ve since rectified that discrepancy by ordering a mask and I also picked up some extra chest protection while I was at it. I figured the mask will serve until I can afford a better one. Maybe I’ll put my name on Terry’s list!  :-\,72.0.html

Sir Edward:
You know, in all this time, I still haven't adjusted the straps to make my Terry Tindell mask fit better. :) For most of our regular drills, I find the plain three-weapon fencing mask to be more convenient. But I'm glad I have the Terry mask for tournaments and free-play and the like.

Anyway, congrats! With a mask, gambeson, gaunts, and a trainer sword, you'll be all set.

Sir William:
As it stands...doesn't look like I'll make that class, Sir Ancelyn.  Got some other things that came up that I must deal with first.


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