Main > The Armoury

i won!

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Nice one Sir Wolf,
If you desperately need C14th gauntlets then they are the ones, but be prepared to do a few running repairs as you use them. The Klapenvisor helm, on the other hand, looks positively spiffing ( stereotyping myself there lol)

Sir William:
Yea, those are really did you get'm, Sir Wolf?

Sir Brian:
My Dear Sir Wolf may I humbly suggest you choose the gauntlets as I already have that particular helm and those gauntlets look like they would go very well with it when I borrow them from you! :)

Sir Wolf:
hahaha nice!

ya i think i may just get them.  but then of course by getting the early 15thc GDFB breastplate i could have 2 full plates of armour standing in my basement heheh hmmmmmmmm

Sir William:
What a lucky guy...!  :)


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