Main > The Courtyard

The Pell:

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Sir Patrick:
Here's another link on pell contruction:

Sir James A:
No pics handy, but I have about half of mine finished out of some random extra 2x4s I had laying around. I made armor stand frames from them, had some leftovers and used them for a cutting stand, and will be using that same design for a pell, just larger .. and wrapped with a pool noodle/camping mat/whichever fits.

Mine is essentially a pair of 2x4s screwed together, which would make the pell, and then from there, it has 4 legs, each going 90* apart from each other, and each attached to one side of the pell, overlapping each other at the flat ends. I'll see if I can whip up a sketch tomorrow, I'm sure my description is as clear as mud. :o

Sir James A:
Finally got around to getting out my cutting stand and getting a picture:

Far from pretty, but functional, and about $4 in materials. :D

Sir Edward:

Nice, much cheaper than mine. :) I bought the starter kit from Sword Fodder, and so I use that stand. It's a steel pipe sticking up from a flat board, and takes a wooden peg at the top for using foam or tatami targets.

Sir William:
Sir James, an excellent cutting stand you have there.


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