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Discussion: Justice

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Sir William:
Excellently put, Red Knight...when I read the first post I went straight for the law.  As a knight, your stance is exactly the one we should all adopt- I guess it isn't a matter of course, even if it should be...kudos for pointing that out.

Sir Edward:

Yes, excellent points, and thank you for bringing it back on track, as I started to get a little into legality in my first post as well. But as a knightly virtue, it's how it informs our own behavior towards others that matters most.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-11-18, 22:35:39 ---I tend to think of this virtue in more personal, rather than legal terms.  We have a justice system in place, so it's not for me to take the law into my own hands a la Batman.  In modern times, I feel it's more about being just to those around you.  If you make a mistake and hurt someone, or cause damage to their property, own up to it, and make amends.  If you break an item in a store, instead of hiding it and walking off, pay for it.  If you rear end a parked car while backing out of a spot, go into the store and try to page the owner of the vehicle.  If you can't find them, leave a note.  It's not as glamorous as smiting evil-doers, but for the injured party it's justice nonetheless.

--- End quote ---

Spot on assessment Red Knight! I concur wholeheartedly, however if I may I would like to expound upon the flip side of that concept you have so excellently noted in that it is also meting out justice by way of being intolerant, shunning or actively reproaching those we encounter that have shown themselves through their deeds to be devious, ignoble and discourteous. I daresay it could even be an expected duty of all people who possess a noble spirit.

Sir Patrick:
Firmly in agreement, Sir Brian.  I believe everyone deserves a chance to make amends, but sometimes there are just some really bad eggs out there.  The just man has no truck with those cannibals who prey on their fellow man.

Sir Wolf:
as my 3 year old son says " i like Batman, he's dark and creepy"

don't think there is much i could add here.

...and justice for all


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