Main > The Courtyard

Maryland KDF

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Sir Wolf:
i didnt have any issues. looks good and i wish them well

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-17, 18:51:42 ---But this is really telling, down at the bottom of the page: "155 queries. 3.728 seconds. "

Yikes. 155 queries to load the front page? With a 3.7 second generation time? The slowness is on their end, for sure, and probably stemming from all those database hits.

--- End quote ---

To put this in perspective, the forum here is entirely database driven, and the front page of it reports this: "Page created in 0.057 seconds with 11 queries." And viewing this thread I see: "Page created in 0.062 seconds with 18 queries."


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