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Longpoint - MD KDF event

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-01-12, 16:09:56 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-01-12, 04:08:01 ---I don't see the cutting portion on the schedule; is it possible to take just the cutting class, but spectate for the rest of the event?

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You know, I have no idea. I suspect they're treating that as an add on, since the additional costs are for materials. I think the rest of the event cost is needed for renting the facility.

Many of the classes will work well for beginners. You could always sign up for the whole thing. :)

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I may have a shot at the next one, but I don't have any gear for this one and I'm not sure if my wife would want to go or want me gone for the whole weekend. It was definitely under consideration. For this one, I'd just like to watch and put a few faces to the names from here. :)

Sir Edward:

The schedule has been completely rearranged, so for those planning to come and watch the tournament, you might want to look at the new times:

Das Bill:
Day 1 is over, and congratulations need to go out to David Rowe of VAF, who won 2nd place in the Dussack tournament! Lee Smith gave him a run for his money, and the two duked it out in the last bout, with Lee just barely getting the necessary hit to take 1st place. It was a very intense match, and I have to say I'm very proud of David.

I'm about to go to bed, but Sunday is Day 2, when we find out who made it into the finals of the longsword tournament, which will then be fought in the morning.

Sir Brian:
Yeah Ed gave me a rundown of some of the tournament action. It's a bummer some contestants were more concerned with scoring a hit than their technique, which is really one of the major drawbacks to tournaments IMO. I think they are fantastic as you get to bout with opponents you don't typically see or fight against but again so long as they are more concerned with executing the correct technique.  :-\

Das Bill:
And Day 2 is over.

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-01-23, 12:09:52 --- It's a bummer some contestants were more concerned with scoring a hit than their technique, which is really one of the major drawbacks to tournaments IMO. I think they are fantastic as you get to bout with opponents you don't typically see or fight against but again so long as they are more concerned with executing the correct technique.  :-\

--- End quote ---

You're absolutely right, and to be honest, that will happen in any tournament format. People get competitive, and they start playing to the rules to gain points rather than focusing on techniques that would be used if your life were really on the line. Having said that, I saw less of that than usual, and I think there was also some really good fencing going on (though some guys REALLY need to dial down the power).

Still, all in all, this was a really good event. I used to be one of the people who didn't like big tournaments due to the gamesmanship factor, but I'm starting to come around. :)


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