Main > The Great Hall

Hello all!

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Well, as some of the more prominent members of this forum have noticed, Ive been rearing my little head in the other sections of the forum of late.
So I figured a formal introduction was quite due.
Hello, I am SirNathanQ, and am pleased to finally find a forum dedicated to the expressing of Chivalry. I think this is exactly what I have been needing of late.  You can also count on me tracking down Sir Ed and Sir Brian at the MDRF again next year, and hopefully more than once                                 (bloody soccer schedule  >:( :( ???)             

Sir Patrick:
Welcome, good sir!  I hope you find as much fun and fellowship here as I have.

Sir Matthew:
Welcome to the boards. By the way, I like your pic, that's a really nice kit you've got there. It's not something I commonly see, which makes it all the better in my opinion.

Sir Wolf:
hail and welcome!  aren't you from eastern WV too?

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Sir Nathan! Glad you made your way onto the forum and it was great to meet you in person at MDRF. I appreciate you letting me poke and prod your MT pair of plates, well your friend allowed me to since you had loaned the plates to him that day! ;)


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