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Creating a society/order?

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Sir William:
I did, I did.  There's a good thing that comes of that though- I'm not yet 40 but they're almost adults eldest girl is an adult.  She'll be 21 in January, the youngest turns 17 next month.  She'll be a senior come September.

Sir Wolf, and all the rest that have little children still- take many pictures and videos, thoroughly enjoy the time when they're young...they grow up incredibly quickly.  Sometimes, it seems like just yesterday I got my cap and gown and in about a year, my youngest child will do the same. 

Sobering thought, that.

Sir Wolf:
ok ya i'm 35. i was like  :o you look good for your age hehehe. ya nothing wrong with having kidos their age. you'll get to enjoy grand kids hopefully longer than i ever will :) and i hear thats really where the fun is at (cause you can feed them Mt Dew and Reese's cups and send them home ahhahaha)

Sir William:
That's what my Dad says- he loves it when the grands come to visit!  I don't recall him being that enthusiastic about me and my siblings.  lol

Sir Wolf:

Sir Jason Simonds:
Seems I have been away from the Forum way too long  :(, seems I am missing out on alot. Good thing I made it down to VARF on Sunday and was informed of the happenings. I am excited to hear about the forming of an order.


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