Main > The Campaign

Creating a society/order?

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Sir Edward:

Wow, that photo is from 1998. It's been 13 years already. Where does the time go?

Sir William:
Hey, hey...lets not get into that discussion...I would just as soon forget that 20 years have nearly passed since I graduated from high school.  Or that I never actually went to college.  My parents swear I'm not a disappointment...think they might be lying to make me feel better?


Sir John of Felsenbau:
I was just wondering where everyone is from? I'm in Philadelphia, PA...I know a couple are in Maryland...guess there's no chance on getting a set area to meet once in awhile ?

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-20, 20:06:04 ---My parents swear I'm not a disappointment...think they might be lying to make me feel better?

--- End quote ---

Well you are not in jail, you are married to a beautiful and caring woman, and you have a steady job and endeavor to live your life honorably that is more than enough to make any parent proud and speaking as a parent of an adult child (she turned 28 this March) who is happily married and is an honest and sincere person for which Rosemary are immensely proud of her, I can assure you that your parents are not lying to you!  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-05-21, 12:39:49 ---I was just wondering where everyone is from? I'm in Philadelphia, PA...I know a couple are in Maryland...guess there's no chance on getting a set area to meet once in awhile ?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, we have several forum members in MD, some in VA, a couple in WV, and others from all over the place, including across the pond. If you're in the mid-atlantic area (which of course PA is), this seems to be the region we have the most members in so far. It's mostly because of the forum spreading faster by word of mouth than by google.


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