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Creating a society/order?
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2010-12-03, 20:58:49 ---Sir Ancelyn,
Really nice choice. Can I ask if there is a reason why you wish your Lion Rampants to face the sinister side?
Sometimes this was seen as a bad omen or a denotation of some dishonourable act somewhere in your family history. Very much like the reversed bendlet.Although you will probably not find this information in popular modern literary sources, it was a common way to interpret sinister facing devices at the time.
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I went through a similar justification process when I was deciding on mine, since mine has nearly everything in sinister. I found some great passages in google books that talked about exactly that, and the sinister portion didn't frequently mean that. Occasionally, but not as a rule. In fact, in churches it was customary to make all of the effigies face the altar, and so the arms would be reversed on many of them to make sure they wouldn't face away. So most of the time it was a stylistic choice and was regarded as such.
Sir Ancelyn:
Well, in part not to look identical to a dozen other lions. I am also thinking lynx. Also, my clan did a fair bit of thieving along the English borders. Sinister enough. :-)
Sir Edward:
BTW, website has been cut over to the new one.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-12-02, 00:00:57 ---I actually know people who have played a game for 48 hours straight. And in my bloody high school, social status is determined by how many kills you have at this, or your score at that.
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When we had the substantial snow earlier this year, I took 2 weeks off. My driveway is probably 75 feet long, and shoveling out just wasn't going well. The second snow dump that followed ... I quit. No snowblowers in stock anywhere nearby. So I did what anyone else stuck in a house for 12 days would do; I played World of Warcraft to a ridiculous extent. I have 2 level 80s and a level 58 with full nerd gear and all that. Oh, I've also got 46 hours of sick leave and 174 hours of vacation leave banked right now, so I guess you could say I'm pretty good about showing up at work. I quit playing WoW back in feb/mar, didn't even play for a year total.
Last time I did anything remotely like that was high school when Diablo II came out; a couple friends set up a network with me, when you had to literally drag your computers all to the same house. We set up a server and had 3 machines to play on. Then 5 of us took turns "rotating" ... 2 or 3 would play, while 2 or 3 would eat, sleep, etc. We all finished the game co-op in a few days, with almost 24/7 continuous play within the group. Kept us out of trouble, and the week after we were back out playing basketball, football and tennis again.
The thing that is scary about "modern" day times is I'm scared to let my brother play outside with a friend or two unless I'm watching like a hawk. Too many abductions, rapes, and worse. Didn't have those fears when I was younger. I think with both parents working being more common, and kids being home alone and not allowed outside, video games is a natural progression. Half of mine was PC gaming, which oddly enough the LAN gaming configuration led to my first job as a network engineer and my game hacking led to my current job as a software developer.
Now, how do we convince them playing with wooden swords and armor made out of old pieces of carpet is totally normal? That's what I started with. :D
Sir Patrick:
Nice CoA, Sir Ancelyn!
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