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Creating a society/order?
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
--- Quote from: Sir James on 2010-11-22, 16:53:24 ---Woooooah, big explody thread out of nowhere! That's what I get for getting distracted!
I'm still reading through everything, but I find it interesting just how similar some of these discussions are to ones I've heard about the formation of the Fiat Lux. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions in the near future, but in the meantime, feel free to drop me a pm/e-mail with any questions you guys may have.
In what may be a rather controvercial question (and if it rocks the boat too much, let me know!), what prevented you (as in any members!) from joining one of the existing chivalric organizations? I only ask out of curiosity - it's exciting to see a new group come up!
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As an extremely active member of a very successful medieval re-enactment group here in England, I struggle to find time to partake in many of the online groups out there in Internet land.
When I came across this forum I found its members to be very welcoming and enjoyed reading ( and occasionally joining in ) the many varied and informative threads.
I find the general ethos of the group and members to be honourable and admirable, moreover, very close to my own ideals.
It seemed a natural progressive step to support the new order of chivalry, even though it may have to be in a very minor capacity. given the geographical distance.
Although I live such a distance from the membership, I have always been made to feel welcome and that the distance is never an issue.
Sir William:
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2010-11-22, 19:48:53 ---
--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-11-22, 16:27:55 ---I just thought of something do we, or do we have the surcoats match the CoA? A la Sir Brian's?
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Question along those lines; I think the chevron may look strange on a surcoat. Would a solid-colored surcoat, with an actual shield with the heraldry placed in the center, chest and/or back, ending a bit above belt level be anywhere near historically correct? I've seen it in a few places, but I think it was movies/games, and can't remember or find any historical pictures.
Similar to this (*9MHasLvP-MdNF0hvjY/124910d1245232185ridleyscottsrobinhood2010russellcrowerobinhoodset04.jpg) probably on a white (or lighter colored) surcoat for contrast.
(Edit by Ed, fixed URL for image)
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I don't know that it would look that bad...Sir Wolf's red surcoat has a white chevron that looks really good. I've also read of a badge similar to yours- except it was a yellow surcoat with a black chevron...gotta find the reference for it.
Sir Edward:
Some great replies here so far. For me, I laid out some of my hesitations on creating a group back in the first post. But as for joining one, well, I've kept my eyes open for a long time. But finding a group that's relatively local and shares my level of interest (our sort of blend of history, easy-going nature, and so on) has been a challenge. The SCA ends up being the whipping boys in this sort of discussion, so I'll use them as an example as well. They take things very seriously, persona and all, to a level that can cause a firestorm of disagreement over titles, accuracy, politics, and a host of other issues. They're also not focused on knights, swords & armor, and historical combat, despite the competitive combat aspect of the organization.
Outside of that, it's been location, different focus, etc.
I have to admit, the Fiat Lux has looked the most interesting of many of the options out there, though you guys are of course some distance away.
Sir James (Fiat Lux):
And some good answers to my question as well!
I can certainly see an upside to having a decentralized group, especially for those in isolated areas, or unable to find a critical mass to start their own local group. Like I mentioned in my initial post, the whole thing is similar to what I've seen/heard about the Fiat Lux starting up. Feel free to pick my brain for any questions you guys have!
Sir William:
I knew I'd find him, Sir James (Anderson) - here's a pic of Sir Wolf in his surcoat w/chevron...looks pretty good if I do say so myself.
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