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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Edward:

Heh, just for kicks I made one for William Marshal.

I think at events we should reserve an empty chair for The Marshal. :) (oh man, now it's like the Siege Perilous seat, reserved for the non-existent "perfect knight").

Sir Edward:
Man, I just have to say, I really like Christopher Valli's, Chris Torres's and Catriona Hughes's arms on the Selohaar site.

EDIT: I just noticed that Chris Torres has a violation of tincture. That grail is metal on metal. Heh. I think you can get away with that if the chalice is "Proper" instead of "Or" though.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-17, 20:41:51 ---
Heh, just for kicks I made one for William Marshal.

I think at events we should reserve an empty chair for The Marshal. :) (oh man, now it's like the Siege Perilous seat, reserved for the non-existent "perfect knight").

--- End quote ---

Hey, that's a GREAT idea!  You know, I envision a round table and at each place setting, the corresponding knight's CoA displayed, along with their names on the backs of the chairs?

Lord, let me make that a reality!  :)

Are you gonna let Chris Torres know about his tincture violation?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-11-17, 20:59:28 ---Are you gonna let Chris Torres know about his tincture violation?

--- End quote ---

Nah, they probably don't mind.

Yeah, I feel that the 2nd one looks more historical. And as far as Being "busy" I think that it certainly is historically viable, and the charges mean alot more for me.
Heyyyy Sir Ed, would it be too much trouble to change my COA on the roster?  :-[
And I feel that the symbolism of others authority over my own (not THE lord, thats what the crosses are for) is a way of keeping humble, and putting others before myself. When I get some authority it will mean that. Think if it not so much meaning the authority of any one person, say just authority in general. Kinda a reminder of my own authority and also that of those above my station. You know, the order of things.   


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