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Creating a society/order?
Sir William:
Hey, cool link...reading it now.
Sir Wolf:
a good simple book to check out on heraldry is "The Complete Book on Heraldry" by Stephen Slater.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-15, 20:42:25 ---
BTW, the Dering Roll of Arms is the oldest known roll of arms to exist from England. It was made famous by being altered later, by Dering, to forge a knightly lineage for himself.
But it's serving as a sort of model for what I want to do with the membership page on the website. A nice big roll of arms. The ORder of Selohaar does this too:
--- End quote ---
Rough crack at it:
Could use that format and the standard "roster" format on the link on that same page. Both are coming from a database, so no worries of having to double-update any pages. :D
Sir Patrick:
Thank you, Sir Edward!!!! I was unable to get the ermines in the cinquefoils with the on-line version and was wondering how to do it manually without buggering it up. That looks AWESOME!!
UPDATE: Just saw the Order's roll page, and it looks amazing! Getting very excited!
Sir William:
Wow...I really need to get rolling on mine. Might need your help if you please, Sir Edward.
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